[PyQt] Drag & Drop with QTreeWidget

NARCISO, Rui RUI.NARCISO at airbus.com
Mon Dec 14 09:12:01 GMT 2009

It worked nicely up to the sorting part.

And if th euser sorts the data himself, then eveything is ok.

It's just when I try to implement default sorting that that fails.

Maybe I can pick up on a signal telling that sorting is in progress to override this behaviour in the rowsInserted function...

-----Message d'origine-----
De : Baz Walter [mailto:bazwal at ftml.net]
Envoyé : vendredi 11 décembre 2009 21:46
Cc : PyQt (E-mail)
Objet : Re: [PyQt] Drag & Drop with QTreeWidget

NARCISO, Rui wrote:
> Hi again
> Your approach worked nicely but when I tried to enable sorting using:
>          self.setSortingEnabled(True)
>          self.sortByColumn(0, QtCore.Qt.AscendingOrder)
> I get a segmentation fault.
> If i disable the sortByColumn then it works.
> How then to set the sorting using column 0 by default ?

actually, i now think my approach was too crude. the trouble with using 
rowsInserted is that it is called every time items are added or moved 
(or sorted).

what is really needed is a way to add special handling only for dropped 
items. unfortunately, there does not appear to be an obvious way to 
detect what items were dropped and where. so i think the only reliable 
way to get the behaviour you want is to reimplement qtreewidget's drop 
event handling (which is probably doable, but not easy).

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