[PyQt] PyQt v4.7rc1

Phil Thompson phil at riverbankcomputing.com
Wed Dec 23 14:13:30 GMT 2009

The current PyQt, SIP and QScintilla snapshots can be considered release
candidates. I have created binary installers for Windows for Python v2.6
and v3.1.

Highlights of PyQt v4.7...

- Full support for Qt v4.6

- Docstrings for all classes, methods and functions that describe the full
  Python signatures for all overloads. Try...

  >>> help(QPixmap.fill)

- Much improved exception text when passing arguments of the wrong type to
  a callable. Try...

  >>> p = QPixmap()
  >>> p.fill('wrong')

- All optional arguments to a callable can be specified as keyword
  arguments. (Required arguments must still be passed as positional

The final releases will probably be at the start of the New Year.


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