[PyQt] Looking for docs of packing PyQt4 app with py2exe

Frédéric frederic.mantegazza at gbiloba.org
Thu Feb 12 07:57:07 GMT 2009

On mercredi 11 février 2009, Arthur Pemberton wrote:

> I am aware of [1] but I am not clear on how treats resources like
> images. I currently have them in the simplest/laziest form -- images
> are directly on the filesystem and linked to from within Qt Designer.
> So I was hoping for someone to point me to docs on including them
> properly in a Qt resource file (and changing my Python code
> accordingly) and how this will be affected by py2exe

Once you resource file is compiled as a python file, using pyrcc4, you will  
import it in your app as any other module, so it will be automatically 
included in the py2exe build process...



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