[PyQt] DiagramScene example

Lieven Buts lievbuts at vub.ac.be
Thu Jan 8 20:56:08 GMT 2009

Hi all,

during the holidays I found some time to work on the
Python version of the DiagramScene example. It was quite an
education :-) . I now have an almost working version that is a direct 
transposition of the C++ version from Qt 4.3.x. I will try to make it a bit
more Pythonic now, and get the last details working properly. If anybody
 wants to comment, the current version is available at 


Most things seem to work properly, except that the "Bold"
button keeps resetting all the time. I'm still looking into that.
I made some notes on porting issues which I'll organise later.

There is one problem with the original version which presents me
with a bit of a dilemma. There appears to be a logic error in the 
C++ version. The function

 bool DiagramScene::isItemChange(int type)
     foreach (QGraphicsItem *item, selectedItems()) {
         if (item->type() == type)
             return true;
     return false;

returns true if _any_ item in the selectedItems() list matches
the requested type, and functions like

 void DiagramScene::setLineColor(const QColor &color)
     myLineColor = color;
     if (isItemChange(Arrow::Type)) {
         Arrow *item =
             qgraphicsitem_cast<Arrow *>(selectedItems().first());

then go to work on the _first_ item in the list, which may or
may not be of the right type. Because of this, it possible to
crash the C++ version, for instance by selecting first a 
DiagramItem, adding a text item to the selection, and
changing the font. The code then tries to call setFont(...)
on a DiagramItem, which does not support this method.
So I removed isItemChange, and replaced it with a
getSelectedItemsByType function. Of course this means
that the Python version is not an exact port any more.

Best wishes for the new year,

Dr. ir. Lieven Buts, Postdoctoral Fellow
Structural Biology Brussels, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Department of Cellular and Molecular Interactions, VIB

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