[PyQt] QGraphicsScene/Item/View coordinates

Frédéric frederic.mantegazza at gbiloba.org
Sun Jan 25 17:39:14 GMT 2009

On vendredi 23 janvier 2009, Frédéric wrote:

> I'm sure there is a simple way to avoid all computations I had to do
> with PyGTK, but I'm not yet familiar with this framework.

Ok, I finally have something working :o)

There is still something I would like to do, but I didn't find a 

When I create all items representing the pictures, I use the following 

def paint(self, painter, options, widget):
    painter.fillRect(x, y, w, h, QtGui.QColor("green"))
    painter.drawRect(x, y, w, h)

As the scene is scaled according to its view size, to always fits, 
BORDER_WIDTH is not constant, but depends on the zoom factor (which I 
don't know, as I use fitInView()).

Is there a way to always have a border of BORDER_WIDTH pixels, whatever the 
view size is?




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