[PyQt] Is it possible to combine PyQt and standard Qt Applications?

Phil Thompson phil at riverbankcomputing.com
Thu Jul 2 09:29:57 BST 2009

On Thu, 2 Jul 2009 08:09:41 +0200, Constantin Bergatt
<cb027 at uni-rostock.de>
> I want to write a graphical user interface to monitor and visualize
> different streams of data.
> For that reason I would like to have a main window and for each data
> stream a single plugin
> which can be loaded as a subwindow into the main window.
> As for the implementation I would like to be able to use PyQt (for
> fast prototyping) as well as
> standard C++ Qt (for speed). Is it possible to write such a graphical
> user interface?
> How can I combine the PyQt and the Qt Applications?
> I would be thankful for any suggestions.

My approach would be to write it all in Python and only then identify the
areas that really need a C++ implementation. I would then put that C++ code
in a library and use SIP to generate a Python module.


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