[PyQt] Video Player in PyQt

Albert Cervera i Areny albert at nan-tic.com
Thu Jul 2 17:59:42 BST 2009

A Dijous, 2 de juliol de 2009, Alex Gurany va escriure:
> I am a new PyQt programmer, trying to create a GUI that plays video and
> offers choices via radio buttons. I started by using pygame, but whenever I
> tried to play a video with it I either got a black screen or an error
> saying my file could not.
> Can anyone recommend a method for playing videos within PyQt. I would
> really like it if the video screen was within the Main Window, but care
> more that it actually plays.

Have you tried using Phonon?

> Thank you for all your help.
> -Alex

Albert Cervera i Areny
Mòbil: 669 40 40 18

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