[PyQt] test code only works with previous releases of Python, Qt and PyQt

Phil Thompson phil at riverbankcomputing.com
Fri Jul 3 11:52:55 BST 2009

On Fri, 3 Jul 2009 03:40:26 -0700 (PDT), barmanoo
<olivier.friard at gmail.com>
> Hi Phil,
> thank you for your test code.
> 1) I tested it with Python 2.6.2, Qt 4.5.0 and PyQt 4.4.4 on Linux and it
> do
> not work, the filter variable is always empty:
> filter 
> <class 'PyQt4.QtCore.QString'>
> 2) I tested it with Python 2.5.2, Qt 4.4.1 and PyQt 4.4.3 on a VM and it
> worked very well !
> filter AnnHyb project (*.annhyb)
> <class 'PyQt4.QtCore.QString'>
> What do you think about this.
> Can we open a bug report?

I tested it with Python v2.6.2, Qt v4.5.2 and the current PyQt snapshot -
in other words all the latest versions. So wherever the problem was it is
now fixed.


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