[PyQt] sip: Can I map a C++ namespace to another name in the python bindings?

Phil Thompson phil at riverbankcomputing.com
Fri Jul 3 16:21:08 BST 2009

On Wed, 1 Jul 2009 11:31:21 +0200, "Jakob Simon-Gaarde" <sip at skolesys.dk>
> I have a large C++ library where all classes are implemented under one 
> namespace called CAPA. I ask sip to generate bindings for these classes
> under 
> a single module called pycapa. So when I generate my bindings the
> classes will be defined under pycapa.CAPA.SomeClass.
> I would like to split the C++ namespace up into several python
> so 
> that I can group the classes and in the same module with multiple python 
> namespaces. ie.
>     C++ class              | python mapped class
>     ------------------------------------------------
>     CAPA::Session          | pycapa.session.Session
>     CAPA::LoginParam       | pycapa.session.LoginParam
>     CAPA::LoginResult      | pycapa.session.LoginResult
>     ... etc
>     C++ class              | python mapped class
>     ------------------------------------------------
>     CAPA::UserService      | pycapa.userservice.UserService
>     CAPA::CreateUserParam  | pycapa.userservice.CreateUserParam
>     CAPA::CreateUserResult | pycapa.userservice.CreateUserResult
> 	... etc
> There are some problems with this approach, cause python namespaces
> to 
> python classes, so I can't write: from pycapa.session import *, or like
> is 
> now with no namespace mapping:
>>>> from pycapa.CAPA import *
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
> ImportError: No module named CAPA
> Alternatively I'd like to remove the namespace in the resulting python 
> bindings and then make several modules like, pycapa_session
> pycapa_userservice 
> etc.

I think the easiest thing to do is to create a set of wrapper Python
modules that import the SIP generated classes into the structure you want.
You should be able to automate the creation of the wrappers.


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