[PyQt] Problem with folding and QSciScintilla

projetmbc projetmbc at club-internet.fr
Sat Jul 18 18:48:34 BST 2009

Baz Walter a écrit :
> hello christophe
> i expanded my earlier example to include folding. this is a complete 
> config files lexer based on the lexer for properties files in 
> src/LexOthers.cpp.
Thanks for this. Santa Claus exists... ;-)

I'll look at and study your code to see how to do my simple lexer.

Did you allow me to use your code in a future free tutorial on the use 
of QScintilla ? I'll cite your name.


PS : indeed there is a big difference between QSyntaxHighlighter and 
QScintilla. QSyntaxHighlighter works on the whole text whereas 
QScintilla works on a line somewhere in the text. That's why I met 
problems when trying to work with multline feature.

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