[PyQt] QTreeWidget itemAt question

Doug Bell dougb at bellz.org
Tue Jul 21 22:24:16 BST 2009

Scott Frankel wrote:
> Hello,
> What's the proper way to use QTreeWidget's itemAt() method?  I'm
> passing incrementing int values to it, yet it only returns the
> tree's root item.  eg:
> 		for ii in range(self.treeRowCount):
> 			item      = self.theTree.itemAt(0, ii)
> yields:
> ii:       0
> item:     <PyQt4.QtGui.QTreeWidgetItem object at 0x59ed0>
> text:     rootItem
> ii:       1
> item:     <PyQt4.QtGui.QTreeWidgetItem object at 0x59ed0>
> text:     rootItem
> ii:       2
> item:     <PyQt4.QtGui.QTreeWidgetItem object at 0x59ed0>
> text:     rootItem
> ii:       3
> item:     <PyQt4.QtGui.QTreeWidgetItem object at 0x59ed0>
> text:     rootItem

The poblem is that itemAt() returns what is at the given view
coordinate, not by row numbers.  You're always getting the root item
because your count is less than the pixel height of the root item.

You could multiply the count by the height of a typical item, but that
is probably not the cleanest way to do this.  You could also use the
itemBelow() method to cycle through the items.

> (See attached for the full, simple code example.)
> Ultimately, I want to be able to identify a QTreeWidgetItem by the
> results of its text() so that I can set the tree item's parent for
> branch points.

Than why not use QTreeWidget.findItems()?


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