[PyQt] Row Height of a QTreeView

Albert Cervera i Areny albert at nan-tic.com
Thu Jul 23 23:26:13 BST 2009

A Dijous, 23 de juliol de 2009, Fabrizio Milo aka misto va escriure:
> Hi,
> how can I set programmatically the height of the rows of a QTreeView?

Row height depends on the sizeHint() of all the delegates in the row. So it 
depends on the font size (or if the text is wrapped, etc).

> I would like also to increase the font, but doing
> self.font().pixelSize() returns -1

You can set the font with:

f = self.font()
f.setPointSize() or f.setPixelSize()
self.setFont( f )

> Any Ideas?
> Thanks
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Albert Cervera i Areny
Mòbil: +34 669 40 40 18

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