[PyQt] Make widget look disabled

Anita Westman AWestman at evertz.com
Fri Jul 31 19:51:05 BST 2009

I have 4 widgets. The widget that is currently active has a border around the frame.  I want the user to be able to select the other 3 widgets, but while they are not selected I want them to look disabled.  When I disable using setEnabled(False), I can't get the mouse events for those widgets to unselect the last frame and draw a border around the newly selected frame.

-----Original Message-----
From: Jason H [mailto:scorp1us at yahoo.com]
Sent: Friday, July 31, 2009 2:46 PM
To: Anita Westman; PyQt at riverbankcomputing.com
Subject: Re: [PyQt] Make widget look disabled

What in the world you are trying to do?

I seriously question your logic...

And it's not a PyQt question.

But what about setting the stylesheet to match a disabled one?


From: Anita Westman <AWestman at evertz.com>
To: PyQt at riverbankcomputing.com
Sent: Friday, July 31, 2009 2:02:25 PM
Subject: [PyQt] Make widget look disabled

How would I make a widget look disabled with it actually being enabled? 

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