[PyQt] QPSQL and py2app

Scott Frankel frankel at circlesfx.com
Tue Jun 9 08:05:48 BST 2009


What's the best way to declare sqldrivers in a py2app setup.py file?

I'm in the throes of building my app for OSX, using py2ap for the  
first time.  One of the issues I'm still facing is how to include  
PostgreSQL support and the QPSQL driver in the build process.  I'm  
building using tools and libraries from MacPorts, (python25) which  
doesn't appear to have installed sqldrivers.

Does libqsqlpsql.dylib (which I have in my development downloads) need  
to be copied to the app bundle manually?  If so, to where?

My setup.py file is attached.

I've found numerous hits on how to build PyQt apps using py2app, but  
none illustrate including db support files.

Thanks in advance!

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