[PyQt] Problem with QFileDialog & sideBarUrl not updated correctly (KDE) + save/restoreState.

Gaël Honorez gael at nozon.com
Thu Jun 11 13:39:08 BST 2009


To begin with, I'm using pyQt 4.5 with Qt 4.5 under centos 5.3 (KDE 3.5).

I'm trying to put a Qt File browser in maya (the standard one is pretty 
ugly & lack a lot of functions).

My code looks like that :


class MayaFileBrowser(QtGui.QFileDialog):

    def __init__(self, parent=None):
        QtGui.QFileDialog.__init__(self, parent)

    def show(self,mode,work):
               urlWorks = ('file://%s') % (work)
               urlData = ('file://%s/data') % (work)
               fileUrl = 
               if mode == 0:
                    fd = self.getOpenFileName(self,'Open File',lastdir)
                    return fd

I call it like that :

CustomfileBrowser = fileBrowser.MayaFileBrowser()

It's opening in the right mode, right directory, and return the file 
correctly. Well, all is working fine except for the sideBarUrl stuff.

As you can see in the code, I'm trying to set in relative to my current 
If I change the project, ie.


The sideBarUrl is not updated, it's still in first project setted.

So I've added some print :

        print fileUrl
        print self.sidebarUrls()

fileUrl return the new project urls.
sidebarUrls (the query function of the side bar) return the new project 
Still, the file Dialog show the old one.

Only if I redo a instance of my class with

CustomfileBrowser = fileBrowser.MayaFileBrowser()

Then the sideBarUrl is updated, BUT I've lost all the "recent places"  
in "look in", and all the layout is reset.
Also, it's updated the second time, if I do

CustomfileBrowser = fileBrowser.MayaFileBrowser()

    I see TDOT.

CustomfileBrowser = fileBrowser.MayaFileBrowser()

    I still See TDOT.


    I see OtherProject.

Don't know if it's pyQt or Qt itself, but it's really annoying.

Also, I've tried the restoreState :

Saving at the end with :
        settings = QtCore.QSettings("Nozon", "Linux Maya File Dialog")
        settings.setValue("allPrefs",QtCore.QVariant(self.saveState()) )
Restoring at the beginning with :
        settings = QtCore.QSettings("Nozon", "Linux Maya File Dialog")
        prefs = settings.value("allPrefs").toByteArray()

restoreState return 1 (successfull, no error), but I dont see any of my 
preference (layout or history) applied.

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