[PyQt] Using Unicode

projetmbc projetmbc at club-internet.fr
Wed Jun 17 10:33:08 BST 2009

Gabriel Hahmann a écrit :
> Hi,
> I'm new to the list and new to programming in python QT and I'm having
> a little problem dealing with accent characters.
> I have a little program that have the text sent to the user interface
> using something like this:
> QtGui.QPushButton(self.tr('&Next >'))
> self.setWindowTitle(self.tr('Setup').arg(len(self.history)).arg(self.num_pages))
> self.topTitle = QtGui.QLabel(self.tr('<center><b>Warning</center>')
> self.set_status_text('Username', True)
> label_text = 'Warning'
> self.top_label = QtGui.QLabel(self.tr(label_text))
> In fact this is some excerpt of parts of the code. What I want to do
> is translate every word of the text to Portuguese. I tried simply
> translating but then it gives me an error of outside ASCII range.
> Then I added coding: utf-8 at the top of the file. Changed self.tr to
> self.trUtf8 with no luck. I tried self.tr(unicode("Some text")) with
> no luck too.
> What I want to do is simply tranlate this program, I dont want it to
> be internationalized, I mean, changing it in a way that it can be
> tranlated again easily.
> The Portuguese characters have é, ç, ê, ô, etc. I tried with
> self.trUtf8 and putting the code in hex like this self.trUtf8("\00C9")
> without success. I've read a lot of pages telling how to print unicode
> characters but I couldnt print a single character right now.
> If anyone can help me I will really appreciate, just to give me some
> more things to try!!
> Thanks in advance.
> Gabriel.
I'm French and I've lmett this problem with the accents. Here is a 
solution that I use.

Instead of
          self.button.setText(self.tr("Créer les deux fichiers"))
I use in my class dial_Projet2
self.button.setText(QtGui.QApplication.translate("dial_Projet2", "Créer 
les deux fichiers", None, QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8))


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