[PyQt] Using a QCompleter with a QLineEdit

Greg Smith gsmith at troublemakerstudios.com
Wed Jun 24 15:34:07 BST 2009

Hey Everyone, 


I'm trying to get a LineEdit I have in a tool I am writing to have the
ability to auto complete the user's entry based on what they have typed.
>From the sounds of it, QCompleter is exactly what I am after and they
work on QLineEdit widgets. However I am having difficulty getting it to
work, so I was wondering if I could share what I am trying to do and see
if I am doing anything wrong or not doing something that I should be in
order to get it to work.


So here's an abridged example of what I am doing.


>From PyQt4 import QtCore, QtGui, uic


defaultList = ['foo', 'bar', 'alpha', 'beta', 'ceti', 'delta']

completerList = QtCore.QStringList()


for i in defaultList:



#defining my QDialog

class MyPyQtTool(QtGui.QDialog):

    def __init__(self):


        self.ui = uic.loadUi ('C:\\myUiFile.ui')

        lineEditCompleter = QtGui.QCompleter(completerList)




        #... defining other tool logic


    # I also have the list being modified in another method based off of
user's selection.

    def onMyComboBoxActivated(self)

        # code here where a string list is created from a mysql db query
based on combo box selection.

        for i in dbQryList:


            lineEditCompleter = QtGui.QCompleter(completerList)





app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv)

dialog = MyPyQtTool()




This may not be the cleanest way of doing what I want but from the
example shown in the class reference web page, this should be sound.

However when I try to test it, I get no completion what so ever. No
errors are thrown so I am not exactly sure what I am doing wrong.

Is there another method that needs to be executed before it should work?


Any help would be truly appreciated!






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