[PyQt] Reach a line in a QTextEdit

cyril Romain c.romain at laposte.net
Sun Mar 29 13:33:36 BST 2009

projetmbc at club-internet.fr wrote:
> I would like to go for example to the fourth line in a QTextEdit. Is-it possible 
> to do that directly or must I have to walk along the three first lines so as to go 
> to the start of the fourth one ?

Use either:
 1. QTextEdit::moveCursor(), but you need a for loop to go up/down for 
multiple lines. Example:
       editor = QtGui.QTextEdit()
       for l in range(4):

 2. QTextEdit::textCursor() to get the cursor, then 
QTextCursor::movePosition() and then QTextEdit::setTextCursor() so that 
it takes effects. Example:
       editor = QtGui.QTextEdit()
       cursor = editor.textCursor()
QtGui.QTextCursor.MoveAnchor, 4)


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