[PyQt] Changing import statement in uic.loadUiType()

Brent Villalobos Brent.Villalobos at pdi.dreamworks.com
Tue May 19 23:36:45 BST 2009

Let me rephrase this.  Is there a way to tell pyuic4 and/or the 
PyQt4.uic module that my resource modules are in a different python 
package?  Or am I out of luck since the resource path was created by 
designer?  Are there any plans for pyuic4 to support resource files that 
are in a different python package?

Brent Villalobos wrote:
> I am laying out my gui using qt designer.  I'm using designer's 
> resource manager to store icons.  Later, at run time, that ui file is 
> fed into PyQt4.uic.loadUiType(file).  The problem is that the python 
> code generated has this line:
> "import icons_rc".
> I have an icons_rc.py file that was generated using pyrcc4 and it is 
> deployed alongside the ui file.  The problem is that icons_rc.py is in 
> a different directory than the code calling uic.loadUiType() and so I 
> get an import error.  I would really like to change "import icons_rc" 
> to a fully qualified "import foo.bar.icons_rc" in order for the ui 
> compiler to find it.  Is the only way for me to do this is to modify 
> the file ui file before passing it to loadUiType()?  Or is there a 
> cleverer way to do this that I'm not seeing?
> -Brent
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