[PyQt] qtreeview vs qtreewidget?

William abecedarian314159 at yahoo.com
Wed Oct 21 04:17:05 BST 2009

Ok, I figured out how to allow checkboxes in a qtreeview (using flags()) and how to set their state using QtCore.Qt.CheckStateRole in my data() method.  However, I still need help on one thing:

What is the signal that lets me know if someone has clicked on the checkbox?  If I can get that, then I can change my data and I assume that the view will update.


From: William <abecedarian314159 at yahoo.com>
To: pyqt at riverbankcomputing.com
Sent: Tue, October 20, 2009 6:09:46 PM
Subject: [PyQt] qtreeview vs qtreewidget?

A quick question--in the qtreewidget, one can make a checkbox for items (setting
CheckState for a treewidget item).  Is there a similar capability for the qtreeview if we are using qabstractitemmodel?


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