[PyQt] QNetworkAccessManager and "finished" signal

Mateusz Korniak mateusz at ant.gliwice.pl
Tue Apr 13 15:03:01 BST 2010

On Tuesday 13 of April 2010, Andreas Neumann wrote:
> (...) in my python script, the method that should be triggered by the
> "finish" event never executes.
> Here are the relevant parts of my code:
> self.networkAccess = QNetworkAccessManager(self)
> QObject.connect(self.networkAccess,SIGNAL("finished(QNetworkReply)"),self.r
> eceiveFoto)

What does connect() return ?
According to docs: "Returns true if the connection succeeds; otherwise returns 
false." but I remember having problems with return value of connect()...

Mateusz Korniak
"(...) mam brata - poważny, domator, liczykrupa, hipokryta, pobożniś,
 	krótko mówiąc - podpora społeczeństwa."
				Nikos Kazantzakis - "Grek Zorba"

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