[PyQt] I want my GUI to change appearance based on what happens in a for-statement as it happens. Instead it changes after the whole for-statement ends.
Kalish, David Price
David.Kalish at wyss.harvard.edu
Thu Jul 1 15:04:34 BST 2010
In my GUI I have a for-statement that opens a text file and changes the color of a QFrame depending on the first letter of each line in the file. The relevent part of the code is attached as a text file, and so is the sample text file I've been using.
The raw_input lines were added so I could pause it and see when the color changes. I expected it to change color when I had to raw_input, but instead it waits until the line of the text file to change color. How do I make the QFrames change color as it goes through the file?
Thank you,
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