[PyQt] Synchronous WebView.load()

alan moore me at alandmoore.com
Fri Jul 2 06:31:40 BST 2010

> As I understand it, the webview doesn't actually load the page and update
> itself until the method call returns; at which point it loads the new page and
> updates the history.
To illustrate the problem I'm having a little more clearly, I've 
attached a sample script.  The script is supposed to conduct a brief 
tour of a list of websites when you hit the "go" button on the browser 
toolbar.  Each site shows for five seconds, then the next on loads.

Only that's not what happens.  If you run it, you'll see that hitting 
"go" causes the browser to hang for about 20 seconds, then the final 
comment is all that shows.  In other words, for the whole duration of 
the method call, the main window is asleep.

I guess this is just another instance of the trouble I was running into 
on my other program, which I posted a demonstration script for earlier 
today.  I would really appreciate any help on this matter.
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