[PyQt] QtWebKit segfault if libflashplayer.so is in plugin searchpath

Robin Wittler real at the-real.org
Sat Jun 26 21:06:45 BST 2010

On 06/23/2010 01:22 PM, Kay D wrote:
> I did not started my planned PyQT flash research yet, but hope following
> could give you some clues:
> http://trac.webkit.org/wiki/QtWebKitPlugins
>     * Flash uses gdk. Gdk uses a different X connection from Qt. This
>       means that we have to flush the gdk display periodically. If you
>       find your scrolling jittery, this is the case of that. In the
>       ideal work, flash is supposed to use the Display provided using
>       the npapi, but it doesn't.
>     * Flash cannot paint on argb32 pixmaps since it does not use the
>       visual provided using the npapi (it uses gdk_default_system_visual
>       instead). This makes it very hard to implement transparency. For
>       QWebView, we grab contents from the backing store to implement
>       transparency. For all other cases, transparency is turned off
>       (except when the default system visual is 32-bit).
> Let me know if you'll find working PyQt\flash combination.

The problem is not only a PyQT Problem. CutyCapt 
(http://cutycapt.sourceforge.net/) has the same problem and is written 
in pure C++. Again - even if plugins are disabled - there will be a 
segfault. How could that be, that QWebSettings are ignored/useless?


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