[PyQt] Syntax to access a blob column on sqlite

IloChab ilochab at gmail.com
Sun Mar 28 15:04:10 BST 2010

I'm using a sqlite db from PyQt4 APIs, but I do not know how to
INSERT/UPDATE a blob column with it.

I mean:
- if I use python to directly access sqlite I just write:

from sqlite3 import dbapi2 as sqlite
con = sqlite.connect('myDB')
cur = con.cursor()
blobFiled = sqlite.Binary(bytearray([1,2,3]))

cur.execute("""INSERT INTO blobTable (blobColumn) VALUES(?)""",(blobFiled,))


... and every thing goes fine.

- if I use PyQt4 I don't  know how to write a similar command; if I write:

 query = QtSql.QSqlQuery()
 query.exec_("""INSERT INTO blobTable (blobColumn) VALUES(?)""",(blobFiled,))

I get a traceback like:
TypeError: arguments did not match any overloaded call:
  QSqlQuery.exec_(QString): too many arguments
  QSqlQuery.exec_(): too many arguments

Which is the correct syntax???
Thank you all in advance

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