[PyQt] Crash in sipConvertFromType on Windows platform

tempo han hantempo at gmail.com
Thu Nov 4 09:20:11 GMT 2010

Hi guys,

    I have one issue which needs your help.
    I did a Python Wrapping for my SDK with SIP, everything else is fine
except one problem that when I load the compiled module in Python 2.6.4
runtime, import is successful. But if I call some methods of my module,
Python crashed.
    After some investigation of the generated codes by SIP, find all the
methods which return certain types will crash while others even their parent
classes not. And I find the just line "return
sipConvertFromType(sipRes,sipType_SOME_TYPE,NULL);" make crash.
    The most curious thing is that it only crash on Windows, not on Linux.

    Anyone has a clue or suggestion? Where should I do further

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