[PyQt] Templated classes with specialization in SIP

Nate Reid gnatty7 at hotmail.com
Tue Oct 5 18:13:26 BST 2010

There may be syntax/programming errors here, but I was wondering if by 
specifying something like the following:

// blah.h



#include <sstream>

template<typename T>

class Blah {


   QString get(const T& v);


template<typename T>

QString Blah<T>::get(const T& v) {

   std::ostringstream s;

   s << "Value is: " << v;

   return QString(s.str().c_str());


// Specialization for 'int'


QString Blah<int>::get(const int& v) {

   std::ostringstream s;

   s << "Value (int) is: " << v;

   return QString(s.str().c_str());



// blah.sip

%Module blah 0

template <typename T>

class Blah {


#include "blah.h"



   QString __getitem__(const T& val);


   sipRes = new QString(sipCpp->get(*a0));



You could produce a wrapped class that would work like follows:

>>> import blah

>>> b = blah.Blah()

>>> str(b['hello'])

Value is: hello

>>> str(b[3.2])

Value is: 3.2

>>> str(b[10])

Value (int) is: 10

It seems like without explicit typedefs, SIP won't know how to generate 
the templated wrapped Blah.  But, is there a preferred way to get the 
above interface with minimal code without necessarily resorting to using 


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