[PyQt] pyuic4 vs uic.loadUI

Sebastian Wiesner lunaryorn at googlemail.com
Tue Sep 28 18:00:21 BST 2010


I prefer uic.loadUi, it's simply much more convenient and much easier to use.

It saves the tedious invocation of pyuic4 during development.  And no
risk of weird errors caused by a forgotten compilation of your user
interface ... the application automatically uses the user interface,
that you just saved in the designer.  And you can deploy UI files with
standard distutils as "package data" along with the application code
(pyuic4 would require some custom solution to compile UI files during
installation or packaging, unless you want to have generated could
lingering around in the source tree).

So basically it "just works", whereas pyuic4 means additional work.
UI compilers are fine for C++, where you have to compile anyway, but
in Python things are easier.   Just my opinion ...

Sebastian Wiesner

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