[PyQt] QtGui not being compiled/installed on Snow Leopard Python2.7.1

Jeremy Conlin jlconlin at gmail.com
Thu Aug 11 17:04:02 BST 2011

I'm trying to install PyQt on my Mac running Snow Leopard with my own
Python 2.7.1. I'm doing this to check out the new qtconsole in iPtyhon
0.11. When iPython opens I end up with a message:

from PyQt4 import QtCore, QtGui, QtSvg
ImportError: cannot import name QtGui

Is there some reason why QtGui is not being built? In fact, none of
the others (QtCore, QtSvg, etc) are built either. Did I miss some
configuration in compiling PyQt? Is there something I need to do while
compiling Qt itself?

I'm new to Qt so I'm looking for any advice you can give me.


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