[PyQt] dip: how to connect the model with ui-view

Achim Kisseler ak7 at jupiter.uni-freiburg.de
Tue Feb 8 21:50:48 GMT 2011

Hi everyone,

I managed (thank Phil) to integrate the file I created with ui-designer 

Now I trying to set up the connection with the model and a controller. 
But the vars I define in the model do not init the desired attributes:

import sys
from PyQt4.QtGui import QApplication
from dip.model import *
from dip.ui import Designer, VBox
from dip.ui.toolkits.qt import QtToolkit

app = QApplication(sys.argv)

# Define the model.
class test_model(Model):
     MU = Str("testtext")
     lineEdit= Str("testtext")
     spinBox_MU=Int(8 ,  minimum=8 ,  maximum=14)
    # comboBox=List("M" ,  "E" ,  "Z")

# Create the model.
model = test_model()

# Define the view.
view = VBox(Designer('dip-test.ui'))

# Create and display the GUI.
ui = view(model, QtToolkit(), widget=True)


My idea to set up the controller comes from the example in "Controllers 
and Validation", which does not work:

#define the controller:
class basis_controller(Controller):
     def update_model(self):
       #  invalid_reason = super(basis, self).validate_view()
         sum = int(self.MU_editor.value)+1

# Create the controller.
controller = PersonController(auto_update_model=False)

# Create an instance of the view for the model.
ui = view(model, QtToolkit(), controller=controller)

I am looking fir : hints, tutorials, examples!


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