[PyQt] Qtreeview and Qt.AccessibleDescriptionRole

Gaëtan Podevijn gpodevij at gmail.com
Wed Feb 16 13:30:43 GMT 2011


I have subclassed QAbstractTableModel. I have define my data method
correctly. However, I would like to get a kind of "hidden information" when
I double clicked on the view associated to my model (which is a qtreeview).

Hence, I have decided to use Qt.AccessibleDescriptionRole.

def data(self, index, role):

...stuff here...

if role == Qt.AccessibleDescriptionRole:

return "My information"

Here is the method called when the user double clicks on the treeview :

def file_clicked(self, index):

f_obj = index.child(index.row(),

However, f_obj seems to be empty. I can't get the information returned by
the AccessibleDescriptionRole.
Do you have an idea about what am I doing wrong ?

Thank you,
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