[PyQt] Containers of pointers to MappedTypes

Nate Reid gnatty7 at hotmail.com
Fri Feb 18 21:55:09 GMT 2011

I have a MappedType for std::string, and I wrote a test sip file that does conversion to and from a QList<std::string> and QList<std::string*> and I get compile errors with the auto-generated code based on the following stubs:
// SipStlTester.h

class SipStlTester



QList<std::string> listToListSP(const QList<std::string>
 & input);

QList<std::string *> listToListSP(const QList<std::string *>
 & input);



// SipStlTester.sip

%Module TestSTLTypes 0

%Import util.sip

%Import QtCore/QtCoremod.sip

class SipSTLTester



#include "SipSTLTester.h"





    QList<std::string> listToListS   (const 
QList<std::string>   & input);

    QList<std::string *> listToListSP(const QList<std::string 
*> & input);



Here is the autogenerated method for the function that fails: listToListSP
static PyObject *meth_SipSTLTester_listToListSP(PyObject *sipSelf, PyObject *sipArgs)
    PyObject *sipParseErr = NULL;

        const QList<std::string> * a0;
        int a0State = 0;
        SipSTLTester *sipCpp;

        if (sipParseArgs(&sipParseErr, sipArgs, "BJ1", &sipSelf, sipType_SipSTLTester, &sipCpp, sipType_QList_0100std_string,&a0, &a0State))
            QList<std::string> *sipRes;

            sipRes = new QList<std::string>(sipCpp->listToListSP(*a0));
            sipReleaseType(const_cast<QList<std::string> *>(a0),sipType_QList_0100std_string,a0State);

            return sipConvertFromNewType(sipRes,sipType_QList_0100std_string,NULL);

    /* Raise an exception if the arguments couldn't be parsed. */
    sipNoMethod(sipParseErr, sipName_SipSTLTester, sipName_listToListSP, NULL);

    return NULL;

As you can see, it creates sipRes as a QList<std::string> rather than as the appropriate type of QList<std::string*>
std::string is a mapped type which the following definition:

%MappedType std::string
#include <string>

    if (!sipCpp) {
        return Py_None;
    // convert an std::string to a Python string
    return PyString_FromString(sipCpp->c_str());
%End // ConvertFromTypeCode

    if (sipIsErr == NULL) {
        return PyString_Check(sipPy);
    if (sipPy == Py_None) {
        *sipCppPtr = new std::string;
        return 1;
    if (PyString_Check(sipPy)) {
        *sipCppPtr = new std::string(PyString_AS_STRING(sipPy));
        return 1;
    return 0;
%End // ConvertToTypeCode


I am unable to make a mapped type for std::string* since that type of MappedType doesn't seem to be supported by SIP.  So, in the MappedType for QList, there is one that _should_ support pointers to TYPE, e.g.
// QtCore/qlist.sip
// QList<TYPE *> is implemented as a Python list.
%MappedType QList<TYPE *> /DocType="list-of-TYPE"/
#include <qlist.h>

So, I would hope that it would autogenerate code for QList<std::string*> but SIP doesn't appear to be doing this.

I've verified this with Sip v. 4.10 and Sip 4.11.2


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