[PyQt] QtHelp doen't build

Vladislav Vorobiev mymir.org at googlemail.com
Thu Jul 14 07:08:04 BST 2011


i downloaded the snapshot version of PyQt
PyQt-x11-gpl-snapshot-4.8.5-a9b83eac34c4 (i tried with stable to).
The PyQt4.QtHelp doesn't build.

# python3 configure.py -e QtHelp -w --confirm
Determining the layout of your Qt installation...
/usr/bin/qmake -o qtdirs.mk qtdirs.pro
make -f qtdirs.mk
g++ -c -m64 -pipe -O2 -Wall -W -D_REENTRANT -DQT_NO_DEBUG
-DQT_CORE_LIB -DQT_SHARED -I/usr/share/qt4/mkspecs/linux-g++-64 -I.
-I/usr/include/qt4/QtCore -I/usr/include/qt4 -I. -o qtdirs.o
g++ -m64 -Wl,-O1 -o qtdirs qtdirs.o    -L/usr/lib -lQtCore -lpthread
This is the GPL version of PyQt snapshot-4.8.5-a9b83eac34c4 (licensed under the
GNU General Public License) for Python 3.2.1 on linux2.
Found the license file pyqt-gpl.sip.
Checking to see if the QtHelp module should be built...
g++ -DQT_NO_DEBUG -I. -I/usr/mkspecs/linux-g++
-I/usr/include/qt4/QtHelp -I/usr/include/qt4 -m64 -pipe -O2 -w
-D_REENTRANT cfgtest_QtHelp.cpp -o cfgtest_QtHelp -L/usr/lib -Wl,-O1
-Wl,-rpath,/usr/lib -lQtHelp -lpthread
/usr/bin/ld: /tmp/ccQC4GHZ.o: undefined reference to symbol
/usr/bin/ld: note: 'QString::free(QString::Data*)' is defined in DSO
/usr/lib/libQtCore.so.4 so try adding it to the linker command line
/usr/lib/libQtCore.so.4: could not read symbols: Invalid operation
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
Checking to see if the dbus support module should be built...
The Python dbus module doesn't seem to be installed.
Qt v4.7.3 free edition is being used.
SIP 4.12.3 is being used.
The Qt header files are in /usr/include/qt4.
The shared Qt libraries are in /usr/lib.
The Qt binaries are in /usr/bin.
The Qt mkspecs directory is in /usr/share/qt4.
These PyQt modules will be built: QtCore.
The PyQt Python package will be installed in /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages.
PyQt is being built with generated docstrings.
PyQt is being built with 'protected' redefined as 'public'.
The Designer plugin will be installed in /usr/lib/qt4/plugins/designer.
The QScintilla API file will be installed in /usr/share/qt4/qsci/api/python.
The PyQt .sip files will be installed in /usr/share/sip/PyQt4.
pyuic4, pyrcc4 and pylupdate4 will be installed in /usr/bin.
Generating the C++ source for the QtCore module...
"/usr/bin/sip" -w -o -P -x VendorID -t WS_X11 -x PyQt_NoPrintRangeBug
-t Qt_4_7_2 -g -a QtCore.api -c
-b QtCore/QtCore.sbf -I
Creating the Makefile for the QtCore module...
Generating the C++ source for the Qt module...
"/usr/bin/sip" -w -o -P -x VendorID -t WS_X11 -x PyQt_NoPrintRangeBug
-t Qt_4_7_2 -g -c
/home/vavvav/usr/src/PyQt-x11-gpl-snapshot-4.8.5-a9b83eac34c4/Qt -b
Qt/Qt.sbf -I /home/vavvav/usr/src/PyQt-x11-gpl-snapshot-4.8.5-a9b83eac34c4/sip
Creating the Makefile for the Qt module...
Creating QScintilla API file...
Creating top level Makefile...
Creating QPy support library for QtCore Makefile...
/usr/bin/qmake  w_qpycore.pro
Creating QPy support libraries Makefile...
Creating pyuic4 wrapper...
Creating pyuic4 Makefile...
pylupdate4 and pyrcc4 will not be built because the Qt XML module is missing.
Creating pyqtconfig.py...

After make && make install

$ python3
Python 3.2.1 (default, Jul 10 2011, 20:12:44)
[GCC 4.6.1] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import PyQt4.QtHelp
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
ImportError: No module named QtHelp

Whats a problem?
Python3 is a port installation (Debian SID)

Best Regards
Vlad Vorobiev

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