[PyQt] Odd key press behavior in PyQt app

Mike Ramirez gufymike at gmail.com
Fri Mar 4 05:55:39 GMT 2011

On Thursday, March 03, 2011 08:57:31 pm Umang Varma wrote:
> Just wondering whether this is the wrong place to ask and if so what
> might be a better list to ask this question on.

Yes this would be the right place to ask. 

*disclaimer I'm not a PyQt maintainer or involved outside of being a user of 
the lib*

A few things missing, pyqt version, sip version, qt version (I think these are 
required to figure out where/how this bug was introduced or if a simple 
upgrade will remove the bugs, phil, pete and the rest do a lot of 
updates/fixes constantly).

Also some Ideas.

I'm not sure if this is a Qt or PyQt problem. I would suggest building a Qt 
program and see if it's reproducable in Qt. If it's a problem in Qt then this 
would go to nokia.

I'm not sure how to work around this with 100% success or breaking the menus, 
without playing with it, but I would start with catching the event and 
checking if there is an active game and the keypress is a g/h in it and then 
pass it to the game, This breaks the menu keypresses though, It might be 
acceptable, if you only do this explicitly during an active game. Which is 
probably better than what you have now. 

I'm not familiar with the internal details of the keypress event enough to 
tell if this would work like it sounds. But hopefully this gets you started.


Tobacco is a filthy weed,
That from the devil does proceed;
It drains your purse, it burns your clothes,
And makes a chimney of your nose.
		-- B. Waterhouse
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