[PyQt] QMovie and underlying C/C++ object has been deleted

Alan Ezust alan.ezust at gmail.com
Fri Sep 2 00:32:36 BST 2011

Using PyQt Version: 4.6-1, I found this strange thing when I try to create a
new QMovie, in response to a signal emit.

    self._movie = QMovie(self)
traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/rats-user/rats-dev/build/py/ratsApp/ui/IconStuff.py", line
123, in setActive
  File "/home/rats-user/rats-dev/build/py/ratsApp/ui/IconStuff.py", line
131, in _setActiveMovie
  File "/home/rats-user/rats-dev/build/py/ratsApp/ui/IconStuff.py", line
161, in _createMovie
    self._movie = QMovie(self)
RuntimeError: underlying C/C++ object has been deleted

I'm not sure I understand why I am seeing this at object creation time.
Any clues?
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