[PyQt] QTableView with checkbox headers

Sherif Shehab Aldin silentquote at gmail.com
Mon Jan 2 11:28:09 GMT 2012


I am trying to have a QTableView of checkboxes, so I can use them for row
selections... I have managed to do that, now I want the header Itself to be
checkbox so I can check/Uncheck All. I have been looking for days, but
couldn't get to do it.

I tried to use setHeaderData to the model, but couldn't do it.

<-- snip -->

        item = QtGui.QTableWidgetItem("Check");
QtCore.Qt.ItemIsUserCheckable|QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEnabled )
        model.setHeaderData(0, QtCore.Qt.Horizontal, item,

</-- snap -->

I am using QSqlRelationalModel for the table. Any help is much appreciated.
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