[PyQt] How do you compile 64bit PyQt on Windows w/o Visual Studio.

Roger Oberholtzer roger at opq.se
Mon May 21 21:19:49 BST 2012

On 05/19/2012 02:53 AM, Brian Knudson wrote:
> Good point.  The only binary release of the Qt libs for MinGW appear to be for the 32 bit version.  I see references on the web that there once were Qt libs for MinGW64, but they don't appear to be around any more.  I tried compiling QT from source using mingw-w64, but configure doesn't seem to like 'win32-g++' as an argument to platform&  I don't see a way to list available platforms. Looking through the configure shell script shows 'win32-g++' should be a valid option.  I think I'm giving up on this option.

There is tons of compiled Windows software on the openSUSE Build 
Service. Granted, they are packaged in RPMs. But they really are the 
compiled things just needing to be unpacked somewhere. You will find QT 
and more.


There are 32-bit versions in a parallel directory. Don't be put off by 
the RPM format. The files can easily be unpacked. I see that 7-zip 
(http://www.7-zip.org/) claims to support RPM files. I actually install 
them in Linux via my Linux package manager, and then can easily 
repackage the tree for various uses. Doing this keeps the Windows and 
Linux version in sync, making cross platform support so very much easier.

Roger Oberholtzer

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