[PyQt] how to install Pyqt4 on OS X ?

James Ross jrosslist at outlook.com
Tue Apr 23 20:22:00 BST 2013

> I have downloaded the tar for mac osx ... I am totally new to OSx 
> migrating from Windows OS .. so pls guide... 

Since I just did this, here are the steps that worked for me ... 

Basically, I just accepted the *defaults* for each install

 - Install the latest Xcode from Apple Store... (a few weeks ago it was 4.6.1)   
 - Install the latest Python 3.3.1 Mac OS X 64-bit/32-bit x86-64/i386 Installer from Python.org 
 - Install the latest Qt 5.0.2 for Mac (binary install) from qt-project.org
 - Install latest SIP v4.14.6
 - Install PyQt4 v4.10 -- (read below) You can get it at http://sourceforge.net/projects/pyqt/files/PyQt4/PyQt-4.10/

The only two that need compiling are the SIP & PyQt4 

Unarchive sip-4.14.6.tar.gz into a temp folder and read the instructions in doc/html/installation.html
basically I did this:

$ python3 configure.py
$ make
$ install
Unarchive PyQt-mac-gpl-4.10.tar.gz into a temp folder and read the instructions in doc/html/installation.html
basically I did this:

I added the path to qmake to my path (but you could pass that on the command line)

$ python3 configure.py
$ make
$ install

That should do it..  

Refer to the previous thread about 4.10.1, phil said he was going to fix it soon but 4.10 worked fine for me. 


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