[PyQt] sip syntax error when building pyqt

Phil Thompson phil at riverbankcomputing.com
Wed Jan 2 11:51:17 GMT 2013

On Wed, 02 Jan 2013 18:46:53 +1100, Andrew Spiers <aspiers at vpac.org>
> Hi,
> I'm trying to build pyqt in a virtual environment. Sip is in the same 
> environment. The qt4 libraries (qt-4 on fedora) are installed on my
> Here is the error:
> sip: 
> /home/aspiers/src/retext/PyQt-x11-gpl-4.9.6/sip/QtCore/QtCoremod.sip:28:

> syntax error
> Here is the relevant line of QtCoremod.sip:
> %Module(name=PyQt4.QtCore, keyword_arguments="Optional", version=1)
> sip-4.14.2/doc/html/directives.html says:
> %Module
> %Module(name = dotted-name
>          [, all_raise_py_exception = [True | False]]
>          [, default_VirtualErrorHandler = name]
>          [, keyword_arguments = ["None" | "All" | "Optional"]]
>          [, language = string]
>          [, use_argument_names = [True | False]]
>          [, version = integer])
> {
>      [%AutoPyName]
>      [%Docstring]
> };
> ,so it seems that the syntax in this line of QtCoremod is correct.
> Does anyone know what might be wrong here?

Make sure you don't have an older version of SIP installed. The version
number reported is taken from the sipconfig.py module which may not match
the version of SIP that actually gets run.

Run configure.py with the --verbose flag to see how SIP is being invoked.
Then invoke it manually with the -V flag.


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