[PyQt] pyqt4topyqt5 a helper for the conversion PyQt4 to PyQt5

Vincent Vande Vyvre vincent.vandevyvre at swing.be
Tue Jul 23 09:24:36 BST 2013

Le 22/07/2013 20:46, Baz Walter a écrit :
> Thanks for posting this. I had thought of doing something similar 
> myself, but didn't find the time.
> I haven't really tested your script much, but I found a couple of 
> problems. The 'call_re' and 'slots_re' regexps only allow for 
> double-quoted strings, so any single-quoted signals/slots will get the 
> "Ambiguous syntax" message.

Fixed in the last revision.

> Also, your script needs to allow for overloads of signals with default 
> arguments like "clicked(bool = 0)". This is a very common source of 
> bugs when converting from old-style signals - there's even an example 
> of it in your own README!:
>     < self.connect(ui.right, SIGNAL("clicked()"), lambda angle=90: 
> self.rotate(angle))
>     > ui.right.clicked.connect(lambda angle=90: self.rotate(angle))
> The old-style signal will pass no arguments to its handler, but the 
> new-style signal will pass "False" by default (even if the button is 
> not checkable). To avoid this issue, you must explicitly select the 
> "no argument" overload with an empty tuple:
>     ui.right.clicked[()].connect(lambda angle=90: self.rotate(angle))
> I think there may be a few other signals that have similar issues 
> (QAction.triggered is one that immediately springs to mind). The PyQt4 
> class reference has details about the default overloads for new-style 
> signals, e.g:
> http://pyqt.sourceforge.net/Docs/PyQt4/qabstractbutton.html#clicked
>     http://pyqt.sourceforge.net/Docs/PyQt4/qaction.html#triggered
> so you could try grepping that to find the others.

I know some signal send an unexpected boolean but I've never seen a 
problem about that.
In all my own codes, for a signal, say:


You can have the callable:

   def foo(self, arg)
   def foo(self)

without raise any error.

Thank's for your feedback

Vincent V.V.
Oqapy <https://launchpad.net/oqapy> . Qarte 
<https://launchpad.net/qarte> . PaQager <https://launchpad.net/paqager>

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