[PyQt] QTextBlockUserData unexpected behavior

Phil Thompson phil at riverbankcomputing.com
Tue Jul 23 15:37:18 BST 2013

On Tue, 23 Jul 2013 07:28:06 -0400, Grant Roch <grant.roch at gmail.com>
> I'm trying to use QTextBlockUserData to hold info about blocks, but am
> seeing some strange behavior.  I know there was a related issue posted
> March (
> http://www.riverbankcomputing.com/pipermail/pyqt/2013-March/032457.html)
> but I'm not sure if what I'm seeing is related.  Here are two cases:
> 1. Run the below script as is will hold onto the userData only for a
> period.  After setFirstBlock is called and it goes back into main, the
> block no longer has userData with value.
> 2. Comment out "line set A" and uncomment "line set B".  Now userData
> onto the value even after the button is pressed.  This is the same code
> something else is going on.

Fixed in tonight's PyQt4 snapshot. The workaround is the keep a reference
to self.document().

> Also, are we expected to be able to subclass QTextBlockUserData in order
> add custom methods (suggested in the documentation)?  I am not seeing
> work either as they always come back as QTextClockUserData rather than
> subclass.

Works for me (at least with the above fix).

> My versions are:
> ('Qt version:', '4.8.2')
> ('SIP version:', '4.15-snapshot-972540270afa')
> ('PyQt version:', '4.10.3-snapshot-05a01eef7a2e')


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