[PyQt] resuming http download and resending http request

redstone-cold redstone-cold at 163.com
Sun Nov 17 11:13:24 GMT 2013

first ,I paused the downloading process without closing my application ,a few minutes later ,if I want to resume the download again ,do I have to send a second request to the sever ?

as far as I know ,the http connection will keep alive for a while after the downloading process is paused , so there is no need to resend a request to the sever again ,right ?

In Qt, how can we pause the downloading process? which method should we use ? QNetworkReply::close() or QNetworkReply::abort() or other ways ?

if the http connection still keeps alive, is it possible to resume the http download without resending http request to the sever ? It would be better to show me some code on implementing this ,thanks.

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