[PyQt] PyQt5 cannot import QtWebKit

Joe Borġ mail at jdborg.com
Thu Sep 5 16:50:04 BST 2013

Have just (seemingly) successfully built PyQt5, but doesn't seem to have
included WebKit:

In [1]: from PyQt5 import QtWebKit
ImportError                               Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-1-ea6344899724> in <module>()
----> 1 from PyQt5 import QtWebKit

In [3]: from PyQt5 import Qt
Qt                   QtDBus               QtGui
QtMultimedia         QtNetwork            QtPrintSupport
QtQuick              QtSvg                QtWidgets
QtCore               QtDesigner           QtHelp
QtMultimediaWidgets  QtOpenGL             QtQml
QtSql                QtTest               QtXmlPatterns

Is there a flag I missed on build?

Joseph David Borġ
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