[PyQt] pyqtdeployed app crashes on launch

lloyd konneker bootch at nc.rr.com
Wed Jul 16 13:09:36 BST 2014

The last command (the one with all the errors) is the linking phase for 
your app.  The errors mean that one of the libraries is compiled for 
32-bit (but you are compiling and linking for 64-bit.)  I don't know 
enough to say exactly which part (PyQt or SIP?)

If you have already gotten your build environment to work for a PyQt5 
example, it might be easier to convert your app to Qt5 and PyQt5?  I 
think that the Qt API's have not changed much.  I am not saying its 
trivial.  Substituting the strings "PyQt5" for "PyQt4" is simple, but in 
PyQt5, many classes moved from QtGui to QtWidgets, but that might 
require only a few changes.  And you would want to retest your app's 
GUI, which is probably not automated?  It should not matter to your 
users, on Mac your app bundle could contain Qt5 frameworks.

The flux from 32-bit to 64-bit,
Python 2 to 3, Qt 4 to 5, desktop to mobile,
grief for many.

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