[PyQt] full speed, into a tar pit

Giuseppe Corbelli giuseppe.corbelli at copanitalia.com
Fri May 2 08:59:16 BST 2014

On 02/05/2014 06:00, Erik Hvatum wrote:
> Hey Phil,
> Do you think a qt interface in boost::python, ie a reimplementation of
> pyqt  with boost python, could conceivably be usable? It seems likely the .pyd/.so
> files would be quite large, of course.
> I find myself mixing boost python and pyqt/sip a lot, and going the whole
> hog crosses my mind now and then. So, while I'm not seriously considering
> taking on this bestial and likely doomed task, I would find it fascinating to
> hear an expert's take.

I'm no expert too, but see here


In particular:

Why did you switch from Boost.Python to Shiboken?

The main reason was the size reduction. Boost.Python makes excessive use of 
templates resulting in a significant increase of the binaries size. On the 
other hand, as Shiboken generates CPython code, the resulting binaries are 

Seems that "quite large" is rather "too large".

             Giuseppe Corbelli
WASP Software Engineer, Copan Italia S.p.A
Phone: +390303666318  Fax: +390302659932
E-mail: giuseppe.corbelli at copanitalia.com

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