[PyQt] building pyqt5.3.2 No such file...qprinter.h which in Qt 5.3 moved from QtGui to QtPrintSupport

lloyd konneker bootch at nc.rr.com
Fri Oct 3 15:25:56 BST 2014

Building PyQt-gpl-5.3.2 on Ubuntu 14.04 against Qt 5.3.2  I get an error:

g++ -c -pipe -fno-exceptions -O2 -Wall -W -D_REENTRANT -fPIC 
-DQT_GUI_LIB -DQT_CORE_LIB -I../../../Qt/5.3/gcc/mkspecs/linux-g++ -I. 
-I. -I/usr/include/python3.4m -I../../../Qt/5.3/gcc/include 
-I../../../Qt/5.3/gcc/include/QtGui -I../../../Qt/5.3/gcc/include/QtCore 
-I. -o sipQtWebKitWidgetsQWebPageViewportAttributes.o 
sip/QtPrintSupport/qprinter.sip:28:22: fatal error: qprinter.h: No such 
file or directory
compilation terminated.

This was discussed in this prior post on this list 
Summarizing, qprinter.h is in the QtPrintSupport module in Qt 5.3 but 
that include directory is not in the compiler command.
That post gives a patch to the Makefile.

Did that fall through the cracks? or maybe its my bad installation and 
configuration of multiple versions of Qt.
  >python3 configure.py --qmake ~/Qt/5.3/gcc/bin/qmake
but maybe I should configure using qtchooser?

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