[PyQt] QtXml in PyQt5

Wilbert Berendsen wbsoft at xs4all.nl
Sun Feb 22 06:45:36 GMT 2015

Dear friends,

I am creating a PyQt5-based binding to poppler-qt5[1]

[1] http://people.freedesktop.org/~aacid/docs/qt5/

Some parts of libpoppler use QDomDocument, -Node and -Element from the
QtXml module, which is not available in PyQt5.

Are there any plans to include QtXml in PyQt5?

Or should I write c++ code to convert the QDom-based data to something
else before returning it to Python...

Many thanks for any pointer :)
Best regards,
Wilbert (maintainer of python-poppler-qt4 and -qt5)

Wilbert Berendsen

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