[PyQt] Creating check boxes dynamically inside the listview based on the layers loaded in QGIS

Florian Bruhin me at the-compiler.org
Sat May 2 10:45:56 BST 2015


* Ahamed Farook <farookrceg at gmail.com> [2015-05-01 22:28:26 +0530]:
>     def dynamicCheckBoxes(self):
>         """ Adds Checkboxes inside the listview dynamically based on the
> number of layers loaded in QGIS. """
>         canvas = qgis.utils.iface.mapCanvas()
>         allLayers = canvas.layers()
>         model = QStandardItemModel()
>         for i in allLayers:
>             item = QStandardItem('Item %s' % allLayers.name())
>             check = Qt.checked if randint(0,1) == 1 else Qt.Unchecked
>             item.setCheckState(check)
>             item.setCheckable(True)
>             model.appendRow(item)

It seems you create a new QStandardItemModel here, but never use it -
you'd probably have to do something like   yourview.setModel(model)
at some point.


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