[PyQt] [pyqtdeploy] SIGABRT on a pyqtdeployed app on Android

Sébastien RAMAGE sramage at poifindus.com
Thu May 28 07:27:34 BST 2015

Nobody ? really ?
According to doc, pyqtdeploy is supposed to be able to deploy on android...

*Sébastien Ramage*
Le 13/04/2015 16:22, Sébastien RAMAGE a écrit :
> I'm trying to deploy a pyqt app on android using pyqtdeploy, I 
> successfully create and deploy the apk but the app crash on 
> Py_Initialize(); with SIGABRT
> Attached the sample app and *.pdy file.
> Any help will be appreciated
> I'm using Python 3.4.3, the last pyqtdeploy (from hg), PyQt 5.4.1, sip 
> 4.16.7 and Qt binaries 5.4.1 from Digia
> -- 
> *Sébastien Ramage*
> *
> *
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