[PyQt] Question!

Miguel Alejandro Fernandez alejandrogroso at hotmail.com
Thu Nov 5 22:08:43 GMT 2015

In the previous version of PyQt (PY QT 5.5.0), adding "Qt53D ..." version (Qt5.5.0 C ++) and a slight modification to run the * .qml containing 3D code, examples also extracted C ++. but now with version (5.5.1 PyQt) I can not run as before.
 When I analyze the * .dll (PyQt 5.5.1) with Dependency Walker, reported 2 errors each * .dll:
 _ "quick3dcoreplugin.dll" (C: \ Python34 \ Lib \ site-packages \ PyQt5 \ QML \ Qt3D).
 _ "qtquickscene3dplugin.dll" (C: \ Python34 \ Lib \ site-packages \ PyQt5 \ QML \ QtQuick \ Scene3D)

        void Qt3D::QInputAspect::onShutdown(void)
        void Qt3D::QInputAspect::onStartup(void)
        void Qt3D::QInputAspect::onShutdown(void)
        void Qt3D::QInputAspect::onStartup(void)

    QT53DCORE.DLL ->
        void Qt3D::QNode::setParent(class Qt3D::QNode *)
        struct QMetaObject const Qt3D::QAbstractAttribute::staticMetaObject

to be clearer, they could create so you can run the examples in 3D again.
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